The holiday of Purim at Beit Warszawa brought out the bakers. Led by Zivah Nativ, fifteen stalwarts volunteered to learn the fine art of the “three cornered” hat (Hamantaschen) that makes up part of the celebration of the holiday. The traditional cookie is filled with poppy seeds or fruit fillings. For Wednesday night costumes […]
Hanukkah 2014
Enjoy the wonderful pictures from Beit Warszawa Hanukkah 2014 (5775). The Progressive Jewish community in Warsaw enjoyed wonderful latkes and Hanukkah games (especially dreidle) and activities. Please consider a Hanukkah tax free gift that will sustain the hope filled work of Beit Polska and the nine communities served by the European Union for Progressive Judaism and Friends of Jewish […]
Celebrating The Holidays At Beit Warszawa
For information on Beit Warszawa and their events listing, please click here.
It was 10:00 p.m last (very cold) night when our Sukkah was finally up and ready to be decorated. Our veteran member, Darek –veteran both in Beit Warszawa and as our sukka builder served as the orchestrator during 5 hours it took. Darek’s assistants, from our Step-by-Step class members included Henryk, Maceij and Tomek. All […]