Wandering Among Disasters
Thoughts on Parashat Shemot 5785
Why did we (i.e. our ancestors) settle in Egypt?
Because of the natural disaster – there was a drought and famine in the land of Canaan and that forced Jacob and his family to go to Egypt. Thank God, one of our brothers – Joseph – was already there. We know that he ended up there out of nefarious actions, yet God used these actions and turned them into our blessing. That’s one of His powers – to turn a wicked act into something good. But we should never provoke God to use this power.
Turning Points in Jewish History; The First Class
Join us for the inaugural class The Polish translation of Turning Points in Jewish History by Marc Rosenstein
Rabbis Mirski, Kirschenbaum, and Klimowa will present the inaugural multi-session class based on Rabbi Marc Rosenstein’s Turning Points in Jewish History.
Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland sponsored the curriculum’s translation for the Polish audience. The initial class will be open to Polish speakers and English speakers. We invite people to join us for this auspicious beginning.
Advantages of Old Age
Thoughts on Parashat Vayigash 5785
A man, very advanced in his age, calls an insurance company and says that he wants to buy insurance. The agent says: “Good, very good, how old are you?” The man says: “I’m a hundred years old.” “Hundred??” – replies the agent – “Oy, I’m afraid we cannot help you” – The man replies: “No, no, you have to sell me this insurance because your company already sold insurance to my father”. “How old is your father?” – the agent says – “He is 120 years old”. “120?? Well, ok, come by Tuesday evening, we’ll see what we can do.” The man says: “I can’t come on Tuesday, my grandfather is getting married”. “Your grandfather is getting married?? How old is he??” “He is 148”. “148 and he wants to get married??” Phs, like it is his choice…” – replies the man – “His parents are marrying him off!”.
Dr. Robert Bernheim Will Discuss “Citizen Diplomacy in Poland: Have A Bagel.”
Robert and Patricia Bernheim live in China, Maine. Robert is an Associate Professor of History (Holocaust and Genocide Studies) at the University of Maine at Augusta and the founder of Feivel’s Old World Bagels and Bakery. Patricia is a consultant with Mary Kay and the CEO of ReUse ME, a nonprofit providing makers and tinkerers opportunities to use their skills for local and global good while inspiring a repurposing revolution as a collective of bona fide craftivists. In the spring of 2024, Robert & Patricia began reintroducing bagels to Southeast Poland as part of a concerted effort at bagel diplomacy.
Rodzicielstwo w stylu rabinicznym
Refleksja nad paraszą Mikec
Pozwólcie, że zacznę moje dzisiejsze rozważania cytatem z Talmudu:
Trzy osoby biorą udział w kształtowaniu człowieka: Święty, niech będzie błogosławiony,
ojciec oraz matka. Kiedy człowiek czci swojego ojca i matkę, Święty, niech będzie
błogosławiony, mówi: Przypisuję im zasługę, jakbym mieszkał między nimi, bo oni
również Mnie czczą. (Kiduszin 30b)
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