The Rabbi Michael Signer Clergy Cabinet program subvented the travel and hospitality expenses for Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin’s volunteer visit to Poland during the Days of Awe. Please take a few minutes to read his Yizkor Yom Kippur sermon, Remembering the late Alex Dancyg, a hostage from Warsaw.
Days of Awe 2024
Enjoy some of our holiday photos!
Writing from Warsaw
I am writing from Warsaw. In a few hours, I will return to Walnut Creek. Still, my emotions are raw from being a fellow mourner but lifted somewhat by meeting the newer Step by Step students, seeing old friends, and visiting familiar places in Warsaw at this time before the fall holidays. It is a warm fall, and people are still outside in the cafes.
The Golden Age of Progressive Jewish life
Remembering Rabbi Burt Schuman (1947-2024)
Rabbi Burt Schuman (1947-2024) was the first full-time rabbi in Warsaw’s Progressive congregation, Beit Warszawa, later Beit Polska. Schuman passed on Shabbat morning, Kee Tavo. His brilliant late career was marked by a surprisingly quick grasp of Polish and Yiddish.
He was a gifted teacher and shared musical and vocal talents that inspired a city to emerge into a spiritual awakening.
We Mourn the Passing of Piotr Stasiak
On Shabbat (September 14, 2024; 11th of Ellul 5784) Kee TayTzey, Piotr Stasiak’s soul completed this cycle. In Barry Cohen’s Opening the Drawer: The Hidden Identities of Polish Jews, At age 15, Piotr Stasiak enacts the book’s title, discovering the documentary proof that his Jewish father Leon Stasiak is Lazar Sylman. His father survived Buchenwald and Auschwitz and finally was rescued by his Catholic mother and her brothers. Piotr Stasiak was both a child of Jewish survivors and Catholic Righteous Gentiles.
Opłakujemy śmierć ocalałej z Holokaustu Estelle Glaser Laughlin (1929-2024)
08-29-24 – Opłakujemy śmierć ocalałej z Holokaustu Estelle Glaser Laughlin. Estelle Laughlin była niezwykłym pedagogiem o wielkiej ludzkiej głębi. Nieprzerwanie składała osobiste świadectwo, w mowie i na piśmie, jako nauczyciel i źródło wiedzy o swoich czasach, przede wszystkim poprzez książką TranscendingDarkness: A Girl’s Journey Out of the Holocaust. („Przezwyciężając ciemność – Jej księga wyjścia z Zagłady”).
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