Sometimes being a Jew demands living in at least two, maybe more historical dimensions all at the same time. The town names, the fleeing refugees in Europe, Holocaust memories, and an inspiring President Zelensky of Ukraine trigger many incongruities. At this moment Putin’s attack on Ukraine and the brave defense by the Ukrainian forces vex […]
A Few Words on Forgiveness
Thoughts on Parashat Vayikra
There is a common view that forgiveness in Judaism is conditional and that there is no forgiveness without repairing the damage done by a wrongdoer. Broadly speaking this view is true, however there are some important nuances here. In the Tanakh forgiveness[…]
Kilka słów o przebaczeniu
Refleksja nad paraszą Wajikra
Istnieje dość powszechny pogląd, że przebaczenie w judaizmie jest warunkowe i że nie ma przebaczenia bez naprawienia szkód wyrządzonych przez złoczyńcę. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, pogląd ten jest prawdziwy, jednak jest tu kilka ważnych niuansów. W Tanachu przebaczenie jako takie jest nierozerwalnie związane z koncepcją[…]
Polish Jewish Community is Supporting Ukrainian War Refugees
Polish Jews and their descendants throughout the world are watching the events unfolding in Ukraine with alarm for the people of Ukraine, Jew and Gentile, who are under attack. In Poland, we have received more than 500,000 of the one million of the elderly, women and children fleeing a war cynically instigated by Putin and […]
Ghost Citizens: Jewish Return To A Postwar City
The poignant story of Holocaust survivors who returned to their hometown in Poland and tried to pick up the pieces of a shattered world.
In the immediate aftermath of World War II, the lives of Polish Jews were marked by[…]
Defending Our Values Requires Sacrifices
Thoughts on Parashat Vayakhel
Our Torah portion for this week is among those that deal with the building of the Mishkan / Tabernacle. At the very beginning of our parasha Moses speaks to the Israelites about the necessary contributions they need to make in order to build the House in which God Himself resides.[…]
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