I am the program coordinator for the Union of Jewish Progressive Communities in Poland, Beit Polska. It is hard to remember how and why I got involved. Perhaps, it’s the need for improving and developing both myself and the Jewish world around me. I joined Beit Polska as a friend of the community, wishing to […]
Polish Jewish Renewal Panel Discussion
Tuesday, October 17, 2017, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm This October 17, 2017 at CSUN an important panel discussion on the revival of Jewish cultural and religious life in Poland will feature an outstanding experts. Be sure to reserve a spot to attend. All revivals seek to find a lost past. The phenomena of Friends […]
By Rabbi Alan Iser 20 May 2016/ 12 Iyar 5776 – Sometimes, the most significant concepts in Judaism are hidden in seemingly insignificant passages in the Torah. In this week’s Torah portion, Emor, at the end of a section dealing with the characteristics of which animals are acceptable for sacrifices, we learn of two very […]
By Rabbi Alan Iser 27 May 2016/19 Iyar 5776 – Warsaw has had some illustrious rabbis in its rich Jewish history. This evening, I would like to introduce you to an extraordinary rabbi who lived in the Warsaw Jewish community during its darkest hour, Rabbi Kalonymous Kalman Shapira. He was the last Chassidic rebbe alive […]
Envisioning the Future
By Judy Maller Simchat Hochmah (The Joy of Wisdom) is a new ceremony celebrating reaching the age of wisdom (70). It is significant that four women chose to share their 70th year focusing on their commitment to Judaism. The American Jewish community is blessed with smart and generous teachers. One of those teachers is Judy […]