November 27th, 2015/15 Kislev 5776 Walking around with a name like Boris has gotten me in a lot of trouble. Even in America, a country with a diversity of people and an equal diversity of names, my name stood out. Upon hearing my name, people would often assume that I was born in Russia and […]
Parshat Vayera
A fence for wisdom is silence. Avot 3:17 October 30th, 2015/17 Cheshvan 5776 – The Jewish people are known for being good talkers. We argue, we ask questions, we find something in the world that need fixing and we kvetch about it and talk about it until something is done. But our tradition also teaches us […]
Rosh Hashanah Sermon, 5776
Seeing the world through the eyes of others can open up an entirely new way of understanding not only different viewpoints, but can also deeply open up our own inner conversations and choices. As is often repeated this time of year, Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe are times when we are reminded of […]
Vayelech; September 18th, 2015/5 Tishrei 5776
One of my teachers loves to share a funny and profound story, which I will tell as I remember it. In the 1970’s, she and some other female rabbis noticed a lack of meaningful rituals for baby naming for girls. As scholars and feminists, they wanted to create something that was not simply a “female […]
Parshat Toldot 13/11/2015
The story of this week’s Parsha is a familiar one— the story of Jacob and Esau, the loss of a birthright and the trickery of a son who desires to get the blessing of the firstborn over his brother. Amid the descriptions of the parental favoritism and all of issues involving the relationship between Esau […]
Dvar Torah Netzavim
September 11th, 2015/27 Elul 5775 In just a few days, we will gather as a community for Rosh Hashanah. This day of celebration and reflection gives us a much needed chance to be thankful for all that the past year has brought, and also gives us space to work on the challenges and pain that […]
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