December 18th, 2015/6 Tevet 5776 To bless the new moon at the proper time is like greeting the Divine Presence — Talmud, Sanhedren 42a I don’t know why, but I seem to spend more time looking at the moon in the winter. As I head outside into the cold of night, the light of the […]
Parshat Miketz
December 11th, 2015/29 Kislev 5776 In this week’s Torah portion, we find Joseph stuck in Pharaoh’s prison. The Egyptian leader has been having dreams, yet he and none of his advisors can figure out their meaning, so he calls on Joseph to interpret them. Joseph hears the dreams and says that Egypt will undergo a […]
Dvar Torah; Sermon from October 2015
Simchat Torah This week we celebrate the final holiday of this season of joy, Simchat Torah. We gather together to complete the cycle of Torah readings, and roll the scroll back to once again start from the beginning of our story, the story of creation. Having spent a year discussing the people and events of […]
Parshat Lech Lecha
October 23rd, 2015/10 Cheshvan 5776 “Don’t stop after beating the swords into plowshares, don’t stop! Go on beating and make musical instruments out of them. Whoever wants to make war again will have to turn them into plowshares first.” – Yehuda Amichai, Israeli Poet I was hoping that it wouldn’t happen. I was hoping that we […]
Dvar Torah Vayeishev
One is not born into the world to do everything but to do something. – Henry David Thoreau Sometimes in the Torah, the smallest and most seemingly insignificant people and moments can have the biggest impact. This week, we begin the story of Joseph, the Torah’s longest continuous narrative (and one that has been made […]
Dvar Torah
November 20th, 2015/8 Kislev 5776 Whenever tragedy strikes in the world, we start asking the toughest of questions, and we often become unsure of what should be done to bring us back to a place of healing and peace. The events in Paris and Lebanon last week were an especially strong shock to the world, […]
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