Thoughts On Parashat Chayei Sarah One could say that there are basically four types of romantic relationships between people: 1. The ones which are established quickly and end fast. 2. The ones which are established quickly and last for a long time. 3. The ones which are established slowly and last for a long time. […]
Thoughts on Parashat Vayerah
“[…] And he said, ‘I venture again to speak to my Lord: What if twenty should be found there?’ And He answered, ‘I will not destroy, for the sake of the twenty.’ And he said, ‘Let not my Lord be angry if I speak but this last time: What if ten should be found there?’ […]
The Diaspora and its Significance; Thoughts on Parashat Lech Lecha
“The LORD said to Abram, ‘Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you.’” (Gen 12:1) According to Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits, the history of Judaism begins with galut – exile. Abraham decided to go into exile, since there was no place for him in his […]
And God Created Vegetarians; Thoughts on Parashat Noach
“Every creature that lives shall be yours to eat; as with the green grasses, I give you all these. You must not, however, eat flesh with its life-blood in it. But for your own life-blood I will require a reckoning: I will require it of every beast; of man, too, will I require a reckoning […]
Deification of Evolutionism?
Thoughts on Parashat Bereshit (Gen 1:1-6:8) The earth brought forth vegetation: seed-bearing plants of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that this was good […]God said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and birds that fly above the earth across the […]
Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot
Menachem Mirski is a rabbinic student at the Ziegler School of the American Jewish University. He is the first of four and perhaps five native Polish speaking future teachers and leaders of the remarkable Polish Renewal led by Beit Polska. Menachem arrived in late August to begin his rabbinic studies on the heels of a […]
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