Thoughts on parashat Shoftim 5784
A week ago I had a dental emergency. My tooth began to hurt, on Thursday evening, just a little, but on Friday, during the day, it began to hurt more and more. I led evening prayers while on strong painkillers. However, they soon stopped working because the pain became unbearable, (8-9 on a scale of 1-10) – so unbearable that I went to the ER in the middle of the night. I spent about 4 hours there and they did basically nothing. If I didn’t ask for local anesthesia at the end, this visit would have been a complete waste of time. Using this local anesthesia again and again I survived till the morning. Then I called about 15, maybe 17 dental clinics and one finally accepted me, despite the fact that they were already booked for the entire day. I scheduled an appointment, the dentist opened my tooth, removed the nerve, applied temporary filling and scheduled root canal treatment in three weeks. I went home. The pain was gone! I spend the rest of Shabbat sleeping in my bed.[…]