Beit Warszawa Purim – 2023 Beit Warszawa celebrated Purim this year in grand style. Cantorial soloist Henyk Kowalski led a host of Megilla readings in Hebrew, Polish, and English. Pawel Spiewak led with words of explanation and reports of the fun are being spread through Madea and Shushan. But pictures tell a better story.
Visit to Beit Polska Congregations
Recently, the Beit Warszawa congregation has met at the Bavel, a Jewish cultural center, and in a conference center near town. Part of the purpose of the trip was to meet people in the Step by Step classes and to learn about their concerns. Overall, Beit Polska has over 25 people enrolled in various conversion stages, and one of the critical reasons for the trip was to arrange for completing the course and the Beit Din process.[…]
High Holidays at Beit Trojmiasto in Gdansk
High Holidays at Beit Trojmiasto in Gdansk October 2022
SEPTEMBER 2018, Beit Polska – The festival of Sukkot, following on the full moon so shortly after the end of Yom Kippur and the lengthy period of repentance and meditation and teshuvah, is always a difficult one in some respects because one has just done so much praying and then comes the command ”Be happy!” […]
BEIT POLSKA, wrzesień 2018 – Święto Sukot, przypadające podczas pełni księżyca wkrótce po zakończeniu Jom Kipur, po długim okresie pokuty, refleksji i tszuwy, zawsze stanowi pod pewnymi względami trudny czas, bowiem tak wiele się już ostatnio modliliśmy, zaś teraz otrzymujmy przykazanie „bądź szczęśliwy”, Wesamachta bechagecha, „Będziesz się weselił w to swoje święto” (Pwt 16, 14). […]
Yom Kippur Morning
Revelation And Mercy What does it mean to encounter God? How and where and when can one encounter God? How can one encounter a Being, a Concept? For some a Reality that cannot be described, for others a Myth that does not deserve consideration? What sort of encounter is even possible, between a finite being […]