I am writing from Warsaw. In a few hours, I will return to Walnut Creek. Still, my emotions are raw from being a fellow mourner but lifted somewhat by meeting the newer Step by Step students, seeing old friends, and visiting familiar places in Warsaw at this time before the fall holidays. It is a warm fall, and people are still outside in the cafes.
March of Remembrance 2024
On July 22, 2024, a march dedicated to the memory of the rabbis who were in the Ghetto and murdered passed through the streets of Warsaw. The thirteenth March of Remembrance, during which we paid tribute to the victims of the mass extermination of the Warsaw Ghetto on the 82nd anniversary of the great liquidation action. From July 22 to September 21, 1942, the Germans deported approximately 300,000 Warsaw Jews to the Treblinka extermination camp. […]
81st Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
2024 / Warsaw, Poland
Beit Polska Chair Hanna Gawronska-Spiewak and board member Dr. Miroslaw Patalon at the commemoration of the 81st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Yellow daffodils symbolize the Uprising.
The Rappaport Monument is located in from of the Polin Museum and some of the pictures are inside the museum. Yellow daffodils symbolize the Uprising
Update From EUPJ in Response to the Horrific Terrorist Attack on Israel
A List of Actions Beit Polska Took Following the Horrific Terrorist Attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023
1. Oświadczenie (Statement), In Solidarity With the Nation and State of Israel we wrote in Polish and English on Oct. 8th.
2. Co-organized a demonstration of support for Israel at Grzybowski Square on Monday, Oct. 16.
In response to the events of[…]
Fear NOT, Israel!
Rabbi Mirski’s Response to the October 7th Mass Murder
Though I walk through a valley of deepest darkness, I fear no harm, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff—they comfort me. (Psalms 23:4)
This verse is one of the oldest expressions of the idea that the absence of fear is a fundamental source of spiritual and psychological strength. This strength is particularly important in all turbulent times, including the times we live today. We have more expressions of the same concept of strength in our[…]
Izraelu, NIE bój się!
Odpowiedź rabina Mirskiego na masowy mord z 7 października.
I choćbym szedł po dolinie cieni, nie będę się bał złego, bo Ty ze mną; laska Twoja i podpora Twoja, one mnie pocieszą. (Ps 23,4)
Werset ten jest jedną z najstarszych formuł wyrażających koncepcję, że brak strachu jest podstawowym źródłem siły duchowej i psychologicznej. Siła ta jest szczególnie ważna we wszystkich burzliwych czasach, włącznie z czasami, w których przyszło nam żyć obecnie. W naszej tradycji ta sama koncepcja siły wyrażana jest na[…]
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