The number of people who believe they are descendants of Jews is almost equal to the number of Jews who are counted in official international censuses, according to British historian Tudor Parfitt, an expert on Judaizing movements, who was a keynote speaker at a Jerusalem conference held in early November at the Van Leer Institute, […]
Moments in a Year of Learning to be Jewish
Becoming Jewish- a choice of a lifetime When starting on the journey to become Jewish- candidates of our Step-by-Step group engage in the life cycle of Beit Warszawa and Beit Polska. Theory and practice go hand by hand. Local candidates attend a once a week study session of Jewish customs and laws, Hebrew reading of […]
Beit Warszawa and its Jews
In an American or Canadian Reform Synagogue today, about 10-15% of the younger generation of members were not born or raised as Jews. Almost half of this small minority were formally converted to Judaism by a Reform or Conservative Rabbi (Geray Tsedek). Another third of these people have informally become Jewish by living Jewishly, and […]
Poles With Jewish Souls Return Home
On November 23, 1939, Hans Frank, head of the Nazi Government General that ruled central Poland, declared that all Jews above ten years of age were to wear a white badge with a Star of David on their right arm. By October of 1940, almost 400,000 Polish Jews had been confined in a 3.5 square […]
Is Poland A Valley Of Dry Bones?
To understand this passage from the Biblical book of Ezekiel, you must know that the Hebrew word Ruach has four different meanings; wind, breath, spirit and inspiration. Our passage uses these various meanings in teaching God’s message to the depressed and despairing Jews living in exile in Babylonia. While living among the exiles from Judah […]
Becoming Jewish Is Like Falling in Love
The transition from not being Jewish to feeling and thinking Jewish is a gradual one. In Islam and Christianity God comes first. The proclamation that “Allah is God and Muhammad is his Prophet” makes a person a Muslim. Accepting Jesus, the son of God as your savior, makes a person a Christian. But for […]