Adam was all alone. He was lonely. He did not have a brother or a sister to talk to. He didn’t have a friend to play games with. Adam was lonely, and he was unhappy. God said to Adam, “It is not good for you to be alone. But now you are free to do […]
Fasting On Yom Kippur
About one third of the of the 562,000 Americans who will die this year from various types of cancer, will die due to their own behavior. Smoking, over eating and drinking, and physical inactivity will do them in. The same set of self indulgences will also afflict those who die from heart disease this year. […]
The Philosophy of Hebrew
Every language has a genius and soul of its own. Each language has several key words that have many different meanings and connotations. This is especially true for a very ancient language like Hebrew, which has been used continuously, especially for religious thought, for over 3.500 years. The Hebrew word lev literally means heart. In […]
Hassidic-Progressive (Reform) Teachings for Poland Today
The Gerer Rebbe, Isaac Meir of Bunam (d.1866), said: When Ruth came to Judea she was told that she would not be admitted as a convert because she was a Moabite (Deut 23:4) but she persisted even though the Jewish community did not accept her. Eventually the leaders of that time reinterpreted the Torah’s prohibition […]
Beit Warszawa and its Jews
In an American or Canadian Reform Synagogue today, about 10-15% of the younger generation of members were not born or raised as Jews. Almost half of this small minority were formally converted to Judaism by a Reform or Conservative Rabbi (Geray Tsedek). Another third of these people have informally become Jewish by living Jewishly, and […]
Poles With Jewish Souls Return Home
On November 23, 1939, Hans Frank, head of the Nazi Government General that ruled central Poland, declared that all Jews above ten years of age were to wear a white badge with a Star of David on their right arm. By October of 1940, almost 400,000 Polish Jews had been confined in a 3.5 square […]